Brian Hertzog

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The World Owes You Nothing

Realizing the world owes me nothing was like getting woken up at 4:30AM by a bucket of freezing water. See that porcelain cup of entitlement? Obliterated. That’s how I felt. But the pain was temporary. No sooner than the frigid water struck, a warm feeling of empowerment soothed my shock. The world owes me nothing.

You might read that and think, of course the world owes you nothing, you idiot. But I beg you to allow me to rationalize my faulty perception. I’d fallen under a wicked spell. If things come “easy” your whole life, it takes a mountain of self-awareness and introspection to question such privilege. I never slowed down to appreciate my relatively lucky circumstances—that is, until recently.

This was my revelation. If I want something in life, it’s nobody’s responsibility but my own to provide that for myself. Not my parents, schools, teachers, mentors, bosses, even my closest friends. Let me repeat, it’s my responsibility.

Just because I’m alive doesn’t mean I deserve a decent apartment, a job, a girlfriend, etc. I don’t deserve anything. Sometimes I forget that, but it’s important to remember for myriad reasons.

Knowing the world owes me absolutely nothing is liberating—like starting with a blank canvas. Here’s nothing, let’s see what you got kid.