Brian Hertzog

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Early mornings are hard. As the weather cools, it becomes increasingly tempting to smack the snooze button on your alarm clock and retreat under the covers for an extra 15 minutes of warmth and comfort.

Use this moment as an opportunity to practice discipline. Nelson Mandela regularly woke at 4:00AM to go for a run (walks as he aged). Even while in prison, Nelson would run in place in is cell, often to the point of annoyance for his fellow inmates.

You don't have to wake up at 4:00AM to be successful (thank goodness). Some people are happy to discover that they do their best work late at night. What you do need however, is discipline. Waking up early and going for a run every morning, like any skill, is an art that can be practiced. Beat the snooze button out of bed. Practice leaving your comfort zone. 

For additional tips on how to become an early riser, check out this blog post by my friend, Leo Babauta, from Zenhabits.