Brian Hertzog

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Why It’s Important To Create

Look around you. How much of what you see, hear, taste, smell, and feel, is a direct result of something you’ve made? We’re living in a consumer-driven culture. Everything’s for sale, at the touch of your finger. That’s exactly why it’s important now, perhaps more than ever to be a maker, and not fall victim to the luring siren of sloth.

The medium doesn’t matter. Writing, singing, dancing, painting, so long as it’s expressive and unique to you, it can be an art. Art is the means in which we communicate our existence to the universe, and it comes in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Literally. Just make something for someone. And, watch in delight at their appreciation.

I want to embark on a personal conquest of creativity. I haven’t officially started keeping score, still thinking about the best way to do this, but I’ve pondered the idea of launching a “create something every day for a year” type project. Kind of like this. But in my version, it doesn’t have to be the same thing every day. In fact, I think you should get bonus points if you do something different each day.

Why bother? Because, life. Most people don’t realize that one of the biggest obsticales between them and their dreams is actually not dreaming big enough, or the lack of capacity to conceive what they really want. Sounds simple, but it’s not. Just ask somebody, what do you want? They might pause awkwardly.

Life to me is like one big artistic expression. You get one turn to get the audience standing on their feet. So, you’ve got to dream big and be original. That’s why I love writing this blog. It’s something to look forward to each morning. Greatness isn’t made overnight, it’s achieved through the practice, sacrifices, and discipline of doing the little things well, day after day.

Go make something, friends. Put something into the world that wasn’t there before, I dare you. If you don’t feel like sharing, that’s okay too. Sometimes just proving to yourself that you’ve still got some imagination in the tank is all that matters. You don’t need an audience to dance. Trees do fall in forests with nobody around to hear them. But, to steal from a friend, why not make a ruckus?